Monday, 7 December 2009

Social network tips for Facebook that you may find usefull

Interesting selection of articles on making use of the social network sites for business this one is on Facebook

Top 5 Tips to Increase Social Capital on Facebook

By Ethan Lyon, Senior Writer
Coca-Cola is the leading brand on Facebook with over 3.7 million fans. More and more brands are creating fan pages to capture the hundreds of millions of Facebook users across the world. Facebook can be a powerful tool to generate website referrals, engage existing and acquire new customers. It’s about creating meaning in your digital space that people want to be a part of. We’ll discuss how to brand your page, build relationships and engage and empower your fans on Facebook.

1. Brand Your Page
When you arrive on the Coca-Cola Facebook page, it is clearly branded. The landing page is almost a mini-Coca-Cola site where fans can “celebrate” their love for the soft drink company and become a member of the Coca-cola community. This pseudo Facebook splash page introduces users to the brand in a way different that the typical landing page. From the start, Facebook users understand the Coca-Cola page not just to be another Facebook page, but a platform to discuss, interact and promote the brand.
2. Inform Your Network
Send personal messages to those in your network that might be interested in your page. Blasting requests to join your page might not be the best approach–as it might alienate some of your network. Consider how you can make your page more than just a self-promotional tool. Maybe your Facebook page is where you raise money for a social cause… If so, it is a great introduction between your friends and your business–making the page less about you and more about your positive impact.

3. Be a Catalyst
There are many tools to engage your audience on Facebook. Consider the hundreds of Facebook apps, from SlideShare to Mafia Wars. Select those apps that are both relevant to your business and your fans. Some businesses have even developed Facebook Apps. San Francisco’s mayor, Gavin Newsom offers an application that serves as a badge of support and a fundraising tool. Or, consider contests and voting. Target was able to engage their audiences by asking their fans to allocate their donation dollars.
4. Offer Rewards
Why would someone want to return to your Facebook page? Consider how Sears added coupons for the products on their Facebook page. Users simply printed off $10 off coupons and brought them into the store for a discount. Simple, easy and a great way to engage your audiences. Or, what about contests? Adding a lottery-like drawing can entice non-fans to engage in your brand.

5. Empower Your Fans
With the influx of blogs and social networks, more and more people are empowered to become publishers. To capitalize on this, consider how you can incorporate your fans’ content into your site. For instance, your customers could create commercials for your brand. Have your customers submit the commercials and turn the voting over to your fans. The campaign creators will drum-up support through their own networks to create incredible brand exposure.

If you follow the link you will find others on Twitter and Linkedin

Sunday, 6 December 2009

The great ebid treasure hunt

Treasure hunt on ebid net

Over the last few days we have been secretly hiding a number of "Treasure Hunt" listings throughout our 9000 product categories.

Each "Treasure Hunt" item listed is a popular product that, when found, can be won for free simply by clicking the ‘BuyNow’ button on the auction page. Each "Treasure Hunt" listing will be identified by a picture declaring “Treasure Hunt Winner”.

To make things harder the picture will not be shown in any search results or category listings and no keywords can be searched to giveaway the listings. Successful treasure hunters will have their prizes delivered before the New Year completely free of charge.

The number of "Treasure Hunt" listings will remain a guarded secret but 24 hours after the last one is found a notice will be placed in the News forum.
Good luck!

This is the image you need to search for but you have to be quick as three of the items have gone already and they are A lexmark printer worth and A coffee maker and the last one was a Heart Rate monitor.
You need to look for the image above, that will only be shown inside the treasure hunt listings, and will not be shown on the search image. So if the image is not shown then it is not a treasure hunt item, so only buy it if you are willing to pay for it.

Now I am off to search for some treasure and hopefully I will get it before you.

You can find out more and see who and what has been won on the ebid forum here.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Postal workers could strike again within weeks

LONDON, November 28 - British postal workers could renege on an agreement to suspend strike action until after Christmas because of a lack of progress in talks aimed at resolving a dispute on pay, jobs and modernisation. Billy Hayes, general secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), has written to members saying more strikes could be called within weeks because Royal Mail is refusing to offer enough concessions, British media reported on Saturday.
“Unless there is sufficient evidence of a change in management’s attitude, local agreements being reached and significant progress towards a full and final agreement, then we will have no alternative other than to return to strike action before Christmas,” The Daily Telegraph quoted Mr Hayes’ letter as saying.
Earlier this month Brendan Barber, the head of union umbrella group the Trade Union Congress and a mediator in talks between the two sides, said strike action had been suspended pending further efforts to settle the dispute and to prevent disruption of deliveries at the busiest time of year.
But the CWU letter goes on to say that a “strike-free Christmas” was not part of the interim agreement, the newspaper reported.

 More Here

This is like drawing teeth, as even these threats of strike action must be damaging business, as companies and people wonder if they should make other arrangements, or even not bother buying from an online retailer and  just save the worry and go into town.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

More threats of postal strikes to come over Xmas

Are we on the verge of a Christmas postal strike?

Saturday 21st November 2009

Despite hopes that the Royal Mail and unions had buried the hatchet and were looking to the future with regards to a long-term agreement, sources close to the Communication Workers Union have let it be known that talks are stalling and concern is growing. It seems as though, in private, the Communication Workers Union is looking to threaten further industrial action in the run-up to Christmas, something which all parties had been looking to avoid. So what has gone wrong?

Sources close to the union claim that the Royal Mail is continuing to stall over peace talks and if no progress is made over the next few days then we could see further problems in the short term. Quite why the Royal Mail is allegedly stalling over peace talks remains to be seen because ultimately the company and the union need to resolve various issues as soon as possible. Royal mail can ill afford to give away business and the unions can ill afford to put the long-term job security of their members at risk.

The rest here

All we need after such a crap year.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Christmas postal strike postponed

Thu 05 Nov 2009

LONDON (SHARECAST) - The prospect of major disruption to Christmas post receded today as the Post Office workers called off their planned strike tomorrow and Monday to allow talks to resume with management over modernisation plans.

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said the decision had been made to provide "a period of calm" to enable a long-term deal to be thrashed out, though he added agreement over a deal remained a long way away.

Communications Workers Union deputy general secretary Dave Ward said the decision to end the strike action had been unanimously agreed by its executive board.

"We can now have a period of calm where we hope we can genuinely take forward modernisation in a way that puts the union at the centre," he said.

"It will take exceptional efforts to rebuild trust," he said. "But we will work very hard to ensure that the agreement stays on track," he added.

More here

Online Shopping: Postal Strike Concerns Unfounded

80% of online retailers that are Royal Mail clients offer
alternative delivery methods

LONDON--(Business Wire)--

Twenga, the shopping search engine, has carried out
research to predict how the Royal Mail strikes will
impact online retailers in the run up to Christmas.

Twenga investigated the delivery options offered by
the top 50 online retailers in the UK to see how
they handle delivery during the Royal Mail strikes.
The results show that 80% of those advertising
delivery of goods through Royal Mail before the strikes
now propose alternative delivery methods to their
customers, in most cases at no extra cost, or at
a reduced fee for express delivery. For example:

* Amazon offers delivery through a courier service
at noextra cost.
* HMV offers priority delivery through a courier
service at a reduced £3.50 fee.

Many retailers go to great lengths to make sure
customers are not inconvenienced, in particular:

* ASOS has extended its returns policy to 28 days, and
introduced a paid collection service to return goods
without using Royal Mail.

Online shopping is not dependent on Royal Mail

The reliance of online retailers on Royal Mail has been
greatly exaggerated.
Even before the strikes only 31% of online retailers
relied solely on Royal Mail, a figure now reduced as
online retailers react swiftly to customer delivery
needs. 54% offer in-store collection or a collection

Also some reports I have been reading from sellers on
ebid, is that the Royal Mail postal service has actually improved
since the strikes started.

But articles such as the one above should hopefully reassure buyers

Thursday, 29 October 2009

is ebid.nets good news of three million listings being hidden?

I know most people like a who done it, so here is one for you.

This blog post popped up in my google news stuff for and it shows this link

As you can see I made some changes to the original spam of the article, I marked out the first few in red to point that out what I have changed. Basically changing ebay to ebad and then changing ebid to

Currently is eBad is the biggest player in the online auction and e-commerce game. But things are shifting and these shifts are not necessarily in Ebad’s favor. (Though eBad remains a great way to make money — as well as a great place to find great stuff at a great place, many are looking for an eBad alternative.) Now is that a marketing line or not?

The reasons for this are several fold. But the number of reason people are looking for alternatives to eBad is that eBad has made several changes in the past couple of years. The most important of these for sellers has been the initiation of new fees for listings. As a seller you will have to pay a fee when you list your item as well as when it sells. If it doesn’t sell, you still owe Ebad for the listing fee.

There are other reasons people are looking else where as well. These include buyers who have grown weary of the old Ebad style of business. Despite the fact that there are well over 100 million eBad users, the company’s growth has slowed and people (both buyers and sellers) are finding new sites to do business.

There have been alternatives to Ebad which have cropped up in the past, Yahoo!Auctions is a good example, but many of these were not successful in part because most everyone was pretty happy at Ebad. Today, many folks are looking elsewhere, so if you are looking for an alternative to sell your products, here are a few of the best options.
My favorite non-Ebad e-commerce site is the fast-growing for a couple of simple reasons. First, and most importantly, my stuff has sold well there even though it is still a much smaller marketplace than Ebad. But it’s growth quarter over quarter has been phenomenal.

The other reason why rules is that they do not have any listing fees so your costs will be lower. Some sellers use the lower costs to offer buyers better deals, but most simply pocket the difference and improve their margins. In fact, some people that I know use both and eBad for simultaneous listings and to great effect. But, back to the listings.

On you have the option to enroll to their basic or premium seller structure. As a basic seller you are charged 3% of the selling price per item. As a premium seller you can buy access to the site in chunks for a time. You simply pre-purchase access for a week or a month and can list and sell items during that period. It’s a hassle free way to do business and works for both volume sellers (who work as premium sellers) and smaller sellers (who operate under the basic plan).

But, clearly, the best thing about is that there are not any listing fees. This is huge if you want to test out a market or have some items that you aren’t sure will sell. For this reason, is my number one Ebad alternative.

Another option is netSpray which bills itself as the “Free Online Marketplace.” At netSpray there aren’t really any fees. You don’t face an insertion fee, a service fee, a final value fee or have to subscribe to the site in order to use it. Additionally, you can export your listings via a widget and place them in your own website or blog or on another site such as Facebook or MySpace. You can also include mini-listings of your item in emails if you have a newsletter or are an email marketer.

So those are a couple of options you might consider if you are looking for an ebad alternative. And of course there will always be new e-commerce sites popping up every now and again and I will do by best to keep you appraised of those. But, and here is my final word:

For most people eBad remains the best place to start out. If you are already a powerseller, you have the resources and background to conduct a successfully campaign on another site. However, if you are just looking to learn how to make money with auctions then eBad remains your best bet. Sure, sign up at and netSpray but focus most of your efforts on Ebad. You can still make a lot of money on eBad if you are willing to learn the game and learn your market. Even in the face of new fees, most people are still doing well on eBad and will continue using the site.

You can read the rest if you follow the link and You can find the real ebid fees here and if you would like to know what sellers are doing to promote their products without paying others money you can check here
Most ebid sellers do offer their goods cheaper than ebay. In fact if you search the blogs, almost every seller offers their goods cheaper on any other venue, including their own sites or auction sites like This is one of the problems ebay is trying to face, as they offer their powersellers around 20% discount, in a hope that their sellers would pass on the discounts to buyers. Problem is none of them did, so ebay had to start offering the discount coupons direct to the buyers, which also seemed to fail.
The only thing you may notice on ebid, is that sellers will list at the lowest price they want, as they are not restricted by the extortionate fees that ebay have for simply listing an item, and as everyone tells you, that is the growing site, and the traffic is still building. So the start price will often be the end price, and unlike the hidden buyer system of ebay, if anyone shills on ebid they will be kicked, and unlike it seems on ebay, that will not depend who they are.

One or two of us tried to add a comment telling the writer of their error, but, as with so many of these ebay promo articles, the comments are ignored.


Now this is an ebay marketing blog, which is easy to see, as it has mentioned them more times than anyone would in a lifetime, and they offer ebid as their favourite alternative, my stuff has sold well on (Adding that red to indicate their clever use, or none use of the name when they mention that their stuff sold well on It is littered with that stuff)

Now there is so much that is puzzling me on this, so I may add to this page over the next few days, as I gather my thoughts.

But one of the puzzling things is this blog is basically a nothing blog, and by that I am not calling the writer, I just mean it has nothing on it to warrant its rating 1/10.

Then when I did a search for its back links

I got this

1 items to sell on ebay
2 things to sell on ebay
3 items to sell on ebay
4 Things to Sell on Ebay
7 Things to Sell on Ebay
14 things to sell on ebay
19 things to sell on ebay
23 items to sell on ebay
25 p­rod­ucts­ to s­el­l­ on­ Eb­ay
30 wholesale products to sell upon ebay
43 stuff to sell on ebay
44 items to sell on ebay
53 wholesale items to sell on ebay 83
55 wholesale products to sell on ebay 41
58 wholesale products to sell on ebay 57
59 wholesale items to sell on ebay 110
60 items to sell on ebay 246
61 best wholesale products to sell on ebay 246
62 wholesale items to sell on ebay 213
65 Things to Sell on Ebay 35
66 things to sell on ebay 26
67 Things to Sell on Ebay 93
68 Things to Sell on Ebay 61
69 Things to Sell on Ebay 57
70 pr­o­­d­uct­s t­o­­ sell o­­n Eba­y 40
71 Things to Sell on Ebay 63
72 Things to Sell on Ebay 57

I left it in a bit of a mess at the bottom as I got bored cutting out the crap but I am sure you get a idea of the sites that they are back linked to, and what they do. You may not be able to do this again, as all the back link sites I checked today no longer show anything for this site.

The who is reads like this

Domain ID:
Domain Name:
Created On: 06-Jan-2009 00:00:00
Expiration Date: 06-Jan-2010 00:00:00
Sponsoring Registrar: 'Check Whois' (GODADDY) (GODADDY)
Status: client_delete_prohibited,client_renew_prohibited,c lient_transfer_prohibited,client_update_prohibited
Name Server:
Name Server:
Registrant Name: Bryan Stabile
Registrant Street1: 1013 Oaklands Dr
Registrant City: Round Rock
Registrant State/Province: Texas
Registrant Postal Code: 78681
Registrant Country: United States
Admin Name: Stabile Bryan
Admin Street1: Round Rock, Texas 78681
Admin Country: (512) 255-9879
Admin Email:

Now there is the question of who done it and why?

Could it be that has a lot of talk going on about the fact are about to reach three million listings, and if you swamp the search engines, with professional use of search words and a forced 1/10 rating, then anything you write will be pushing the real story to the bottom of the listing, and people can be lazy, and not look further than page one.

netSpray by the way does not really look like an alternative selling venue, but is more some form of marketing tool, used by ebad sellers. Never heard of it so I may look at it later.

If you are new to online selling or an old hand, check out

If you are new to selling, I can only advise you to stay away from ebay, if you are wanting a safe place to sell, as it has become a hard place for those that have been there for years and have seen it all. So I really do not know how hard it would be for someone new to selling to start up on ebay.
You will be better off going to, where the sellers on the forum will help you all they can. Even if you sell what they sell, they will still offer guidance. Unlike ebay where if you sell what another user sells, then you will either be attacked for daring to offer the same goods, or they will use you for a supplier, while ebay hides your goods in the best match.

But if you have found this and are looking at the article above, then do your own research before taking anything as gospel, as there does seem to be a lot of misinformation flying around.

I may work on this again in the morning, but now it is late and I have had enough for the night.

But hopefully you ask the same question as I have is ebid.nets good news of three million listings being hidden, and by who?

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The lunatics have taking over the asylum or ebay

Ebay seems to have taking over the clawback procedure, and as always they have their own idea of how you should read the distance selling regulations, or will just blatantly ignore them,

Ebays links you to this:

Your legal rights and obligations

The Distance Selling Regulations 2000 generally apply to sales to consumers made by sellers acting in the course of a business, which have been made at a distance. In other words, where there's no face-to-face contact between the seller and the consumer before the contract is made.

The Distance Selling Regulations apply to items purchased via Buy It Now listings and Second Chance Offers on However, they don't apply to auction format listings on

These regulations provide a period of 7 working days after the date of receipt within which the consumer can cancel the contract (often referred to as the "cooling off" period) and get their money back, including the original postage and packing charges.

The consumer can be asked to return the goods at their own expense, but only if the seller informed them of this requirement before the contract was made (otherwise, the seller is responsible for collecting the goods).

This right of cancellation does not apply to:

  • Custom-made goods - Goods which are tailored to your own specifications (such as custom-made wedding gown).

  • Goods that by reason of their nature cannot be returned – This covers medication for example.

  • Perishable goods - like fresh foods or flowers.

  • Sealed items, which have been unsealed - audio or video recordings or computer software that you have unsealed.

  • newspapers, periodicals or magazines

  • Accommodation, transport, catering or leisure services - where the seller has agreed to supply the service on a set date or within a set time period (for example hotel accommodation; plane, train, or concert tickets; car hire; tickets to sporting events).

The regulations above only apply to a business seller – consumer buyer transactions. However, even a consumer seller is required to ensure that correctly describe the item. Learn more about returns and your legal rights and obligations

As you can see Auctions are excluded, and are supposed to be excluded on ebay UK but, you think sellers are going to be allowed to use that. Not in this lifetime.

So if you need an auction, where you are assured that the idiot is not going to come back 35 days later after they have tried to sell the item, and failed, and then asked ebay for their money back then go to, where auctions still work.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Extra taxes plan for car boot sales

Car boot sales will face extra taxes under new Government plans, it has emerged.

A revaluation of business rates from next April is set to hit the sites of car boot sales, including pub car parks, ministers confirmed.

Communities Minister Barbara Follett confirmed the plans in a written answer to shadow communities secretary Caroline Spelman, saying: "Where a property is used entirely, or on occasion, as a car boot sale site, its rateable value for the 2010 revaluation should reflect any rental enhancement attributable to that use."

Mrs Spelman accused Prime Minister Gordon Brown of a "tax assault" on those who wanted to use car boot sales to kit out their homes during the recession.

The Valuation Office Agency is set to revalue business rates in England and Wales in April 2010. For car boot sales, these rates will be on top of those charged by the council.

The Tories said the Government was "tapping into the growing popularity" of car boot sales as a result of the credit crunch.

They warned that higher taxes on car boot sales would inevitably be passed on to customers through higher admission charges and more expensive goods.

Mrs Spelman said: "In the depths of a recession, car boot sales are more important than ever to help households raise some cash or give people a chance to buy second-hand.

Full Story from here

Another attack from this government on recycling and the environment, so next time they are at the door and saying we are looking after the environment for your children, then you can shut the door in their face with a loud laugh, and not feel guilty over it.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Sellers believing the ebay hype like 1984 double speak

The biggest issue I have noticed at the moment, is more a problem for the BIN sellers, that seem to be under some delusion that it is their own ability that is doing all the work, and it has nothing to do with the changes ebay have made to increase their profits.
I have heard it several times from some of the most level headed sellers, claiming they are there due to their great knowledge, and ability. And then adding that those struggling on ebay are struggling due to their inability, as if ebay had not made the changes.

I think, if they really do believe this, and they really do seem to, then they need to check themselves, as this could really hurt their business in the future. Over confidence in your abilities can be just as destructive as under confidence, as when they come to face a real challenge then they quickly have to face up to the truth.

It is funny how these same sellers, start to struggle again, when they move to what is an auction site, such as, that is set up like ebay used to be when it worked for all. Most of them are selecting the BIN alternatives, or stick with ebay, as their confidence in their abilities seems to falter when faced with the work to prove what they are claiming.

Come on people wake up I know ebay have a good brain washing school, but this could harm your business in the long run.

Ask yourself the magic questions?

What changed?
What did you change?

Now be truthful, when you ask yourself this, as the rest of the world is laughing at your stupidity and sudden ebay inflicted ego boost. I am also wondering if you get a message on the telephone every night that goes something like this

In hypnotic tone "Bad sellers will be removed from ebay, so you must be good sellers, praise yourself for all the good selling you are doing. You are successful, and we have not changed the search, the feedback and the pricing system to suit you, that is just the bad sellers making noise , do not listen to them, just remind them they are bad sellers, and you are good sellers, good sellers, good sellers."

Funny how when these sellers speak, and praise their own ego's that you would not think ebay had changed anything.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Stocking up on ebay.

Using ebay as a product source for your off ebay store

As ebay is determined to destroy the online auction part of its business, by slowly forcing sellers of that format to leave, through hook or by crook methods, then it is becoming more of a source of goods for off ebay stores, such as bricks and mortar, personal websites or many of the new improved venues.

Don't bother with the new stock on ebay, as most of the time you will find it cheaper on the sellers' websites, or alternative venues, (Most of these sellers are using ebay as a marketing tool, and are no more wanting to pay the fees to ebay than you are.)
Ebay are trying to make it cheaper, by offering these "good sellers" a lot of discounts, such as free listings for some of the bigger ones and percentage off their fees if they be "good" and reach their monthly quota for most of the power sellers. The problem is these "good sellers" are supposed to be handing these discounts onto their customers to make ebay twenty percent cheaper than high street stores. The sellers however are the ones that have to pay for all this "buyer protection" that ebay is adding, and unlike the auction sellers that basically just have to swallow it, the "good (BIN) sellers" just use the discounts and benefits they get to cover that. Making ebay more expensive, and a place to avoid for new goods.
You may be asking why do the auction sellers not just raise their prices to cover the costs of "buyer protection" and the other problems ebay are landing on them, but I am afraid that a lot of them, still do not even know about it, and those that do also know that people will not bid on items that start at too high a price. So they are just another group on the edge of extinction, but this does mean more money for you.

So if you are looking for unique vintage used goods, at a discount price then ebay is great for that, if you know where to look, as at the moment ebay are messing up the search so badly for these sellers that their items being auctioned are going out at the start price, or a lot less than most other venues.
All you have to do to find them is learn to use the search, which is often more of a case of skipping back as far as you can go, to where those sellers who are not shill bidding and feedback cleaning are hidden.
These are the ones ebay consider "bad sellers," but the only bad thing they are doing in most cases is being small sellers, that are not out to rip off their buyers, so as to pay ebay more money, and if you do not pay the piper (ebay) then you are sent to Coventry ( the back end of the listing pages.)

If you are unsure of their "crimes," as you are not sure of the changes occurring to ebay then you may wish to look around any of the message boards linked to the right.

Ebay have been making a really bad mess of their system for some time now, and it seems it had gone past the point of repair sometime ago, so they bring in Donahoe to make the changes that were started before he even arrived.

These changes are things like giving big selling companies special treatment, such as free listings.
Forcing free shipping on sellers, so that ebay not only get the fees from the normal ebay fees and their paypal fees, but also the fees that are now added due to the shipping that was before not charged by ebay. So a bit of circumventing sellers fees in favour of ebay, and more swallowing of fees for the auction sellers.
The "feedback system" is now so destructive to small sellers that even a single negative feedback can have them pushed back in search, or even kicked off ebay.
There are so many more changes that are basically the destruction of the auction format and the small unique goods sellers that made ebay, so I suggest you look at the forums and see the massive list sellers have to deal with.

So back to the subject, if you go right to the back and look at the numbers you will notice that several of the sellers should be ending sooner than the rest but have been pushed back and, the pattern will keep going the further back you go, and the reason you are using the normal search rather than ending soonest is to see, which sellers this is happening too. You will notice that there is no easy way to jump to the back, and you have to go through the pages 1, 2, 3, 4 etc'.

Once you find those sellers, with goods that you are interested in, then start adding them to your favourites, if their stuff is ending too soon to ask any questions you may need to ask, or if you are ready to bid, understanding ebays new hate the seller "buyer protection."

Once you have them there then you will be able to search their goods without even thinking about the search, at least until they are kicked, which most will be.

If you are wondering if they are good or bad, then I would like to say check their feedback but I am afraid the feedback system is in such a state at the moment, that it is not really going to tell you anything, make sure you ask any questions you need to ask if you see an item you like, and try and find more info. Even if they are not great answers, then that still may not be a problem, as a lot of them are not experts and will rely on the buyers expertise to tell them what to look for.

They may also take a day or two longer to get the items out to you, as these small sellers are often, a housewife or granny just trying to make ends meet, and are often restricted with the chores of life, so do not panic if the item takes a few days to get to you.
Most of them will not have a set of scales so will often use a flat rate shipping, or a guestimate, that is not always close to the shipping you see on the label. this is not always trying to rip you off, which if you think about it, is not really hurting you, as you picked your price, that included the postage and then that was the most you were going to pay. So the only people losing anything will be ebay, just not purposefully in most cases, but as you look above then who cares about that.

When you get your item and find it is what you want, take a look at the sellers feedback, and see how healthy the DSRs are, if they are low give them five stars, as anything less may have them kicked and you have to start searching for their new account or a new seller.
If their DSRs are high then a four will keep them at the same level, if not drop them a little. I know four stars say good, but that is just more of ebay trying to get rid of the sellers they no longer want.
But you can check to be sure with the feedback tool from auctiontrax. What you are trying to do is not bring them forward in the search, which would make more buyers find them and then cost you more money to buy their items, but try and make sure that they do not get kicked.
They will eventually quit ebay all together, as ebay want them too, and it has become so they are no longer making any money back for their work, and in some cases will find they are paying out more than they are making, due to the higher ebay fees and the rise in the cost of the goods they are buying to sell for next to nothing to you, so do not forget to keep up searching for new sellers.

If the item is not what you want, then do not panic, do not start screaming and shouting on the email. Calmly make your point, as an ebay seller has no rights.
Your aim is to get your money back without costing you anything more than the return postage, and not getting your name added to their block bidder list, if you still wish to shop with them.

If they persist and claim they clearly state that they do not accept returns, then still do not get angry, just state that you are not trying to be awkward but are trying to sort this out amicably before having to resort to contacting ebay and paypal to get your money back, but you do not wish to damage their account.
You may find yourself added to their block bidder list due to this action but all you have to do is open up a new account, which will bypass that.

Again with the feedback, the same rules apply as above.

Most of the people I know online know most of this, so it is more for those that are just finding the ebay mess and are wondering what to do with it, so hope this helps and allows you to build your business in these times of panic, when others are going under and not doing so well, as they try to fight ebay, rather than try and save their business.

Remember your future belongs to you not ebay, or anyone else.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Just love this sort of article with lots of useful links

Just added a new article link to my free stuff links although it is not totally free it has a lot of great links to save you money, and is all related to online shopping.

A lot of the links are full of more links, like the Stop spending, start swapping! link, which leads you to links that allow you to swap everything from your home for a few weeks (holiday) to the clothes off your back.

As it is from a UK site, most of the info is for UK shoppers, but a lot of it will transfer, and some of the info such as in the second linked article Online shopping is cheaper which offers the insight into a buyers mindset to some extent. This also allows us to see what tools the buyers are now starting to use to search for items, and why getting your items out there is more important than ever.

If you wish to read the full article you can read it here

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Just like busses three come along at once

I have heard of three deaths tonight, and it is strange the way people react to them, as most of us have never even met them or even those that did probably never really knew them.

Farrah Fawcett

The first was, one that was expected, and yet I doubt it would have made it any easier for her friends and family, as Farrah Fawcett finally lost her battle against Cancer.

LOS ANGELES – A winsome smile, tousled hair and unfettered sensuality were Farrah Fawcett's trademarks as a sex symbol and 1970s TV star in "Charlie's Angels." But as her life drew to a close, she captivated the public in a far different way: as a cancer patient who fought for, then surrendered, her treasured privacy to document her struggle with the disease and inspire others.

Fawcett, 62, died Thursday morning at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, nearly three years after being diagnosed with anal cancer. Ryan O'Neal, the longtime companion who returned to her side when she became ill, was with her.

More of the story here : Yahoo News

Michael Jackson

The next came as a bit of a shock, and I suppose you just know the ghouls will be all over it with the sick jokes, forgetting that it will be Michael Jacksons children and family that will have to live with those jokes, and just as sick comments that seemed to plague him in the last ten years.

Michael Jackson, singer, songwriter, performer, and perhaps the most famous pop star of modern times, died tonight less than a fortnight before he was due to start a record-breaking 50-concert tour in Britain.

Jackson was rushed to hospital in Los Angeles from his home in the Bel Air district while paramedics tried to restart his heart after he suffered what the coroner later described as a "full cardiac arrest".

More on this story from the Times

For me both are sad events that leave behind grieving family members, who now have to face up to the future without their loved one, and who should be giving some space and time to grieve.

But will they get it? I very much doubt it, as the idiots will buy more papers with those stories than without.

The Michael Jackson death keeps going back to the same argument for me, which is how much protection should we offer celebrities, especially as in MJ's case, when they start off their career as children.
Yes they enjoy the fame or the money that goes with the job, but does that mean they have to give up being human?
Does that mean the fan has to continue acting like some jealous partner not allowing the person they are supposed to love any freedom to breath and grow?

Maybe it is time the fans prove their love, by taking action, and start giving these humans some life back. As it seems that what is destroying most of the stars is the demands of stardom put on by their fans, and when the celebrities complain about it, it just seems to come across as sour grapes, as the next day they actually need the publicity.
Using complex laws just does not seem to work, as we keep seeing the broadcast or photographed breakdown of so many celebrities, and I am sure the fans would stop buying the papers, which showed images that were taking in a manner that was preventing their favourite celebrity the opportunity to grow, or would not go toward them if they knew the celebrity was just trying to enjoy a small slice of normality.
Instead of the laws that do not really seem to be helping, make it something simple, like the wearing of a red hat, means they want to be left alone. It does not have to be a red hat, just happened to be the colour I selected when I was making the designs for the blog image. The point is that if the image in a paper or magazine shows whatever the selected thing is, then do not buy it if you're a fan.
If you see your favourite person wandering around some place and they are wearing the red hat, or whatever, then instead of approaching them shoving your autograph book in their face, you let them get on with it.
I don't know it just seems to me if the government or the press will not protect your favourite celebrity, maybe it is time for the fans to make the rules, and decide they want better for another human being.

Gary Hendrickson - The Auction Rebel

The last death, yet no less important, even though it is not likely to be front page news, or giving live commentary from the BBC, or any other TV station, and has just been spread discreetly round the blogs and ebay related sites, as if between friends, which is possibly the better way for it to happen.

Gary, better known as The Auction Rebel was one of the original eBay bloggers that I started following in the early days of TameBay. Sadly his family have reported on his blog that Gary passed away on Tuesday this week.

Gary’s readers will remember him for his “Garage Sale Challenges” where he documented the gems he found and the prices the items fetched at auction. I’ve followed his challenges with great interest over the years and he’s never failed to inspire with his dedication to show that “real eBaying”, as it was in the early days, is still alive and kicking.

The story I first read on PSU here and then Tamebay here

good bye

Posted on 24 June 2009 by Gary H

I am sorry to write that we lost a friend yesterday. Gary passed away about noon on Tuesday June 23rd following a massive heart attack with no previous warning.

We know that this sight and computer auctions were a big part of his life and so wanted to let anyone out there know what had happened.

The rest of this announcement on the Auction rebels blog

I had never heard of this blog before, and I have been back several times as I write this following the links and reading the information Gary has added, and some of the information being supplied is priceless, and well worth a read for those trying to find more information on what sells, and even where to find it. I would recommend taking a look at the Garage sale challenge here. This is all very old ebay, with the community spirit, and friends helping each other, while trying to make a little extra cash, and the Plan It! Believe It! Work It! Achieve It! tag line under the title is great advice.
The garage sale challenge does have a serious side, and would possibly be a good thing to work on, even if by yourself, especially now ebay are making it more and more difficult to make a living.
Keep a good record of what you get from where, how much it makes, how much it cost to sell, and any other information that can help in the long run, as six months down the line you may just be wondering why you have not got enough to feed the cat.

I think you will find it well worth a read, and maybe find it a little sad when you think that these are the people ebay are doing all they can to get rid of.

Maybe the reason death comes like a bad bus service when it is not as personal, is to make us all take a little time to think about how our own lives are shaping up. Are we doing all we can, all we want to do, and are we where we want to be?

I know the three people above, each seemed to make the most of their lives, and if their death matters to you, then you can at least take some comfort in that, and if not at least take a moment to think about any ways you could improve your own life.

My commiserations go out to the families of those I have mentioned. Just remember their smile and it will get you through in time

Ah well the sun is rising and it looks as if it will be another fine summer day, all messages are sent, all packages posted, and life goes on.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

More free stuff on ebay No 3

And just when you think the ebay idiot can't get any worse, then they just keep on messing up.

I first read this from an article being shown on PSU, that came from Auction Bytes here

How about this one for those of you wanting free stuff on ebay, and this one seems to be a great one for all, and up to this point I really can't see any defence against the thief and its accomplice (ebay.)

From ebays Purchase Protection Policy or better know to some as the thief's bible

What happens if a buyer believes an item is not authentic?
When buyers file a claim alleging that the item is not authentic, we require the buyer to destroy the item. Once a buyer confirms destruction of the item, we will reimburse the buyer or provide an eBay coupon.

You notice the none mention of proof of any form, that you destroyed the item or that you had the item verified by a professional.
Even if the worse came to the worse, how much does it cost you for a fake designer bag for you to destroy instead of the genuine article you bought from the ebay seller? And take photographs of the fake one destroyed.

Now the number of ways to take advantage of this are so numerous, it is just insane.

I really can't see any defence against this one, as ebay think you as the seller are just a thieving scumbag, that is out to rob the poor unsuspecting buyer.
They are ignoring the fact that you as the seller are more likely to have put a lot of effort into selling on ebay, and have plans to stay on ebay, so are not likely to want to destroy your feedback or your reputation, where as the buyer has no such concern, they can be back five minutes later with a new ID.

This one has now been changed slightly but ebay are still taking over the buyer protection, and you should read on to see how bad that is going to be for the honest seller.

So an insight into how ebay are going to run this policy is shown here at tamebay, which just confirms what we all knew would happen with ebay, and how they would be hitting the yes, yes, yes button every time without any thought or common sense. And this was not for a fake item, but apparently for an item not as described.

This is supposed to be coming out fully, next month, and as you can see by the test case that it is a great chance to get free stuff. Ebay will be claiming that they will be monitoring for misuse of this system but we all know how little ebay know about security, so this is your chance to have all the free stuff that you want with little effort.

Now as always I will consider the angle for the scumbag seller that attacks their competitors, as this one not only gets you some free stuff from your competition, which you could even sell on ebay (as they will not check.) It also costs them the item cost, the postage, and an ebay backed no arguments strike against the sellers account. Then you can hand out your bad feedback and the seller is closer to being kicked from ebay, back in their search, so you can use your alternative accounts to buy more free stuff, but with a lower payout.

Defending yourself against this one, as I said is impossible, as it is totally down to ebays judgement, so nothing you say or show will pacify their stupidity.
They also seemed to have failed to mention any seller protection for this, so it really is a case of the only way to be safe is sell some place else.

For a lot of the large sellers this will be nothing, but for the smaller sellers, this will be the nail in your ebay selling coffin.

So if you have not started moving at least some of your stuff to the alternatives, then now really is the time to start, as eventually one or several of the new ebay rules will have you closed down.

If anyone has any tips on protecting yourself against not just the scammers and destructive sellers with this one, but also the buyer who decides they are a little short one week, and figures it would not be made possible if it was not supposed to be used, then I would be happy to see a response, as I can't think of a thing.
And please do not just say bend over and give whatever the buyer asks for, as for most small sellers or auctions sellers, then that is not an option, as they have no way to build the loss into the price. A lot of us are having to do this now anyhow, but hopefully someone has a way to defend yourself from ebay. The only one I can think of is not to use it.


Another great trick for those auction wrecking competitors seems to be to get round the buyer requirements, so that you do not have to fit any of the requirements.

This is quite a simple task, as all you have to do is get the buyer to make an edit of their listing.
This can be done by asking if they could add a photograph, or if you see something wrong then mention it. The target will even thank you for your help.
Once they edit their listing, another little ebay glitch seems to work its magic and turns off the buyers requirements.

Your defence against this is do not make any changes, which includes adding extra photographs. Your customers may not like it but, they will like you less if you are no longer there.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The shut down of

I created for me and my wife, in a hope to draw her away from the mad house that has become ebay and what I could see it becoming, which turned out to be warranted in this case.

The problem is, as with the old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" she struggled to see beyond the short term answer of ebay, as are a lot of sellers still hanging onto ebay are fighting to stay on ebay.
And although the customers were building and the sales were starting to flow regularly I think I agreed that we both preferred the auction format.

I am still looking at ways to increase sales off ebay, but now it will have to be through using the alternatives, as I can only see ebay getting worse and the more sellers stay on there the more damaging it will be to the auction used vintage market.

We are still trading to a small extent here and there but nothing major, as at the moment it feels like ebay is going to get their way, and the auctions will eventually be faded out, but not fast enough to let any competition get a hold on the market. So it is a case of just waiting until the small profit that is left on their is gone and we give up, as I am just so tired of the animals, that are the new ebay buyers, and the ebay mess that is allowing it to get like this.
The market is made for BIN sellers and unless you are willing to step into that method, it, in my opinion, is time to search out an alternative method of making a living.

As to our website customers, sorry for the inconvenience and I hope we see you soon on the alternatives.

A message to those buying from the alternative auctions.

I understand that on first glance you will think the auction listings are higher than the start prices that you see on ebay.

This is not just because most of the sellers have been restricted so long on ebay with their high fees that they now feel they can rip you off, but more because the traffic on these websites has not risen to the point that you can be guaranteed a sale at this time. So sellers are starting the item at the lowest price they will accept so as to prevent them becoming a feeder for other sellers.

I know the prices do look higher but how many times have you been on ebay and seen items you must have start at £2.99 only to shoot up to forty, fifty pound or more. But the likely hood of that happening at the moment on the Auctions I have chosen is very slim and you are likely to be getting the bag for the start price you see, which is a lot less than the price you will get on ebay.

At the moment during the transition period we are still accepting paypal, but as we move away from ebay, then we will also move away from paypal to what we feel are more secure payment methods for both buyer and seller.

We must add that these bargains may only be available for a limited time and eventually the auctions will have enough turn over to allow the sellers to reduce the start prices to what we have all grown accustomed to

Now why would the seller want to move from ebay where all the buyers are, I assume is your next question?

I can only speak for myself but it is possibly true for most sellers that I am moving from the ebay system, as I feel for to long sellers have had to put up with growing fees and lower security, with false claims of security to the buyers that they do not or cannot deliver.
This eventually comes back on us, as buyers have had a bad experience or have heard of someone else that has. So buyers tend to go into our business relationship jaded and afraid.
This I am sure you agree is not a great way to start a relationship and basically forced our decision in this matter.

And now to your security at the new auctions, please take the same precautions you would anywhere else and do not assume that scammers would not have followed us. At the moment, however, it may be a little harder to spot them as a lot of sellers are moving to the new auctions with a fresh start in mind.

So check through the listings carefully. You do have the option to get a lot of good bargains here, but again read everything and if you are unsure start asking questions, just as I hope you would on ebay. You are not under as much pressure with the listings on these auctions at the moment, I must stress, at the moment, as more people are starting to come to the auctions as buyer and seller, so this opportunity may only last a short time.

We are happy to see you and hope we can continue with the success of our past transactions and hopefully we have brought you here in time to grab yourself a bargain or three.

Take an opportunity to look around the forums, as part of my criteria for selecting the auctions, was the friendly forums. So if any of my customers require help then they can either ask me or unlike with the ebay community board they will not have to fear entering the forum and asking for help.

I would just like to add that we at hotandvintage wish ebay all the luck in the world with their new direction, and even though we do not agree that the world needs another Amazon. We sort of understand your thinking in this, so hope the rewards are as good as the risk you have taking with what was a sound business. We thank you for the good times and the opportunities that you gave so many people in the past, including ourselves. Once again good luck.

And now to our customers please feel free to browse our store that is constantly being filled, almost daily, as are our new auction sites to bookmark us so you don’t get lost in the future

The making of the Holy Grail or the Auction Search Engine

I have been partaking and watching some of the discussions on the making of the new MOAAS, (A Search Engine for Auctions that showed promise but suddenly faltered with no word of why.)

But some people seem a little lost in what we are asking of the search engine. I will try answer as best I can.

A normal search engine like Google and yahoo do not really go searching the web every time someone asks them to find something. They have already found it before you asked by sending out small programmes called spiders or bots that search the web scanning every site they find and mapping out the important details, and all that info has to be stored on a massive database or should I say lots of massive databases all over the world.
The reason they are so up to date is they have a lot of spiders running twenty four seven, as spiders are what they call low impact, which means they only use up small amounts bandwidth so they do not interfere with the running of the website.

They also have things like google base that you may know as google products search. Where people submit the info for their products, or the auctions they are selling on hand in the info for them. But this is only for items that have a fixed price and some auctions will only hand in items that fit specific criteria.

So when you ask for the latest mobile phone and google search for it, they are searching the database not the websites.

This is not really great for what we want but could be used for some parts of the search, such as fixed price, as long as we had enough spiders to keep it up to date. If the item is no longer available every time a customer searches for it then, they will stop using the search engine.

There are also other methods to search sites. You may have heard of meta search, that is closer to what we want but still has problems as it can produce massive amounts of data and if you look at sites like AuctionLotWatch that use this method, they will only scan the first page due to the amount of data it creates and the fact live searches can be slow if it tries to take on too much.

There are also the JavaScript searches that you can see with Alfie search or the Ebid searches that you can find on the PSU. These work by making use of the sites own search commands as if you were on them.

Problem with those is that not all sites can be searched, as some have coded search commands, it is limited by the number of sites that can be opened at once, it is controlled by the auction sites own options, there is no real sorted comparison and finally not everyone will allow JavaScript on their computer due to the fact it is heavily used in popups and can have security risks.

So what is the answer?

For me the perfect search engine (if we can’t have the auctions extending their own search engines) will scan the auctions like javascript but show the results in the same way google or a comparison script will show from the database.

But we can’t have that, as like I said live search is too slow at the moment but we could possibly request a compromise if we can get the auctions on board and try to get them to make a standard search criteria of search options. BIN, Auction, Ending Soonest, Newly Listed and all the other things we are used to, or more importantly our customers are used to. This would give the search engine a frame work to search under and the customers the option to thin down their search

Then after the user selects their preferred criteria we have a search engine that searches the first couple of pages the same way AuctionLot watch does. But at this point the server in normal circumstances will become dormant as the user reads the data it waits for the user to start pressing buttons or links.
So what if the Search Engine used this time to start searching on the next two or three of pages building a mini cache for the user sort of a smart search.
If we also had spiders doing the work, then some of the items could be drawn from the main database if there are a lot of fixed price in the search then all the better.

Now there have been a few other questions on why the search sites that are available now are not up to the job and do not seem to be covering the bigger auctions.

Again I can only offer what I see and make an educated guess but it could be a few things.
Database issues they just do not have the space.
Cost Issues, they have tried to charge for the service and failed.
Spider Issues, the spiders can be prevented from searching a site.
This can happen if the spider is not acting in the right manner, sticking its nose where it is not supposed to be, or is drawing on resources, as the person has set the spider up wrong, or as in ebays case with one company, the site thinks the search engine is detrimental to its business.
The only other issue that I can think of but there are probably a lot more is they are not searching the sites and are only using file upload like google product search, which is no use for auctions.

What you can do now if you are a seller?
If you sell fixed price items and you do not fit the criteria of your auction (ask them first,) then you could start making use of google base and sites like bidfind that will allow you to upload a csv file with all your fixed price items. If you do not have fixed price items, then would it not be possible to add a few just to make use of this service. And draw customers into your other products.

I think I have to stop working on this now for a little while, as it has started to cost me money, while I am doing the auction search stuff I am getting behind in the listing of items and stuff. I still have not had time to list on the new auctions, which I have to get round to as you see in the countdown on the top time is running out.

10% off if you help us rip them off

Old blog, some of this changed, as even ebay have to use their brains at some point

Has ebay hit the self destruct button again or is this just the funny season when all the nuts come out to play?

Ebay create a system where you can get better discounts if you have higher DSR's ( those stars on ebay feedback) And then set up the a second system to make sure you can't ever reach that goal as they will give a buyer 10% off their next purchase if they hand out lower stars to a seller.

So if you are happy or not you are better off giving out lower stars, as you get ten percent off your next purchase, still to find out if these can be combined, so you can get twenty, thirty or even one hundred percent free. Nothing would surprise me with ebay.

This is only in the US at the moment but will spread as all crap ideas from ebay do, but who is coming up with this stuff?

Another great idea from those great people at ebay, is to say yes we know that if you only offer item collection that paypal is not for you, but we will still force you to take the payment through paypal, as if a buyer wants to rip you off then they should be allowed to, (as long as we get our fees at the end of the day then who cares seems to be the thinking there.)

And for those of you selling eBooks and such ebay are about to bring in a rule to stop the sale of electronic media. But the clever part about it is, that they can kick you now and even suspend your account, and the fact they have not changed the policy yet, have not publicized the fact that this is going to happen, or even changed their system to prevent you from listing them, does not matter, as all good sellers will now have mind reading skills, and they will get rid of those bad sellers that do not.

Am I missing something here, has ebay decided they do not want any sellers or buyers, have they some other use for their servers that we do not know about?

Why do ebay not just allow us to promote our other auctions and websites on our listings? If they do not want the custom, all the other auctions will be happy to take us off their hands?

Please if anyone can shed any light on this I would love to hear from you, as these people have me stumped, why would anyone want to destroy a billion dollar business?

Ebay driving sellers to insane measures

Found this on the PSU and first thought it was funny until I started to read the listing on ebay, that I have pasted bellow, just incase they remove it. You can just feel what the person is going through and maybe it is the fact that we all probably feel the same it just makes it worse.

springlering (3241 ) View Listings | Report Apr-02-08 17:50 PDT

I am waffling about closing my 11 year old eBay account, and am hoping this will prompt eBay to do it for me, and save me the trouble. I am so sick of the whole da*n thing. I don't know what prompted me to start selling again. A moment of weakness, I guess. It's like a bad drug habit.

Ebay Member User ID For Sale 99.7% 3000+ Feedback!!!

Up for Bid:

One Ebay Member ID, opened May, 1997.

ID boasts a healthy 3,250 positive individual feedbacks making for a feedback rating of 99.7%. (eBay does not count feedback from repeat buyers, even though those are the best kind.)

Having left well over 10,000 feedbacks, this ID is very experienced, and prides itself upon those very repeat buyers, which are the lifeblood of any good ID.

It started out life as an enthusiastic, healthy member ID, taking pride in its appearance and reputation, and experiencing joy and serendipity in it's dealings as both a buying and selling ID. None of this schizophrenic "
I buy under one ID and sell under another ID and sometimes I diddle with both on the same auction" business.

It is proud of being an honorable ID, one that, as a seller, works to make it's winning bidders happy with their wins, and, as a buyer, to pay promptly when invoiced by fellow sellers.

A globe-trotting ID, with all the necessary shots, it boasts friendly and personal feedbacks from nearly fifty different countries, and considers it has done nearly as much for global relations as any host of ambassadors.

For many years, this ID was happy in its warm, comfortable, nurturing eBay environment, but then it noticed it was becoming tired and out of breath trying to create listings. "It's just old age", the Member ID thought. "I'm not as fast or efficient as I once was." "My arm is sore. I wish this Mexican bidder would stop twisting it and threatening to leave negatives if I don't give her the same postage rate as someone in the USA."

It wearied of trying to outrun accusations of dishonesty by prank bidders. "What men are these," the ID wondered, "who would steal their closest kinfolks passwords and bid nilly willy on laptops they didn't really want? What hath the world come to? Nay, is it the End of Days? Or simply a Fool's Paradise online?"

Then the ID realized, it wasn't all old age. eBay was secretly contributing to the problem, like six pound ankle weights on a treadmill walker (the Member ID was very familiar with this form of torment). It seemed every day there was a Policy Change email lurking in the inbox, waiting to pounce like a crazed nonpaying snipe bidder.

"My head hurts!" moaned the ID. "The rules are changing so fast,I get dizzy".

"Take the Pill!" cried eBay. "Trust our diagnosis! Our corporate doctor, while knowing little about the day to day operations of an actual eBay user, does know what's best for all Member IDs!! He's not an auction participant, but he did play one on TV!"

But the honest little Member ID found the side effects only made things worse. It began to question eBay's motives, worse, to doubt them.

Question upon trouble, trouble upon question began to burden the poor ID's wearisome thoughts, even intruding upon its sleep.

The Member ID even tried taking a six month cold-turkey holiday from eBay, but foolishly found itself lured back, like a hobby moth to the flame of virtual e-commerce.

So, now, sadly, this ID finds itself in poor and declining eBay health lately. The relationship has become abusive, and unhealthily co-dependent.

In short, the Member ID finds that it needs to make a clean break from it's owner, for both their sanity.

This Member ID has been diagnosed with the following malaise:

Advanced Non-Paying Bidder Syndrome: a cancer eating away at eBay

DSR Fluctuations: symptomatic of Advanced NPB Syndrome (see above), in which nonpaying bidders can leave malicious feedback and infect otherwise healthy cells, I mean, stars

Best-Match Palpitations: onset of sudden and unreasonable fear of being lost and never found in a formerly friendly environment

TurboListerrhoids: frequent cramping and bloating occuring during loads

Fee Ennui: Debilitating worry that fees are multiplying and spreading, and finding you no longer care

Bull-imia: The act of accepting absolute and utter bullcarp from eBay as Gospel, and trying to keep your feet out of it, while you wrap you mind around what sense it makes. Warning: This condition may cause confusion, disorientation, and irrational spurts of anger.

Altzliarheimers: Symptomatic of foreign wiseheimers demanding you to lie and put an alternate value on Customs forms.

Scams: Embarrassing condition involving others. Not to be confused with scabs, although equally ugly, bothersome and annoying when visible in public. Deemed necessary to hide, or at the very least, politic to ignore, by eBay.

Blockage: frequent necessity to block unwanted or unwelcome bidders, since Ebay won't operate to remove these dangers themselves. Avoid eBay Brown Bag Lunches at all cost, as these will only exascerbate symptoms.

Shillarrhea: When one's blood pressure rises upon suspicion of shilling. Often accompanied by Blurry Vision: seeing stars when one should see bidder IDs when viewing a bid history

Fleas: Irritating condition in which ID's items are considered unworthy. All small IDs have them. eBay said so.

Quarantine: a mandatory 21 day isolation period for Paypal payments, at eBay's discretion

IDgestion: the gut wrenching, sickening feeling occuring upon logging in to eBay these days

This ID has been told it has four weeks to live, and should make arrangements for last rights on or near May 1st, at which time, life support, in the form of Feedback reciprocation, will be removed, and negative bloodletting will begin.

There is no transfusion for this condition.

There is neither health insurance, nor customer service available, either, unless you count the standard eBay canned response: "Take two aspirin, clear your cookies, and don't call us in the morning."

This ID has been fully tested, and found to be devoid of any relatives, small children, or pets. It is therefore guaranteed completely free from the infectuous, highly contagious problem that many other IDs suffer from: "my brother/toddler/dog placed the bid and didn't mean to".

It comes from a smoke-free household. It does, however, cause steam to escape involuntarily from the ears on occasion.

Winning bidder will win all rights to this ID. Seller will provide winner with password, after payment of winning bid, and after removing seller's personal information, and replacing it with winner's own information. We can complete this transaction via phone, or in person. Seller retains all rights to, and will erase the current About Me page, but will happily work with winning bidder to create a replacement page.

Seller cannot, obviously, guarantee continued success, or profit of any kind, to buyer. Take at own risk. May cause irratibility and/or cramping. And gas. Do not use while operating machinery or size 4 font.

The photo below is a non-bidding, non-binding dog, and is not included with the auction. I show him only as an example of what this Member ID plans to do upon shedding itself of itself.

Anyone wants to show the way this is hurting people to the press, then show them this listing that you can find at: Link to listing

The vasaline add on ebay

160246537635 This is the number of the listing, although I don't think it will be there any more than the two day baby offer.
But this is a have to read so copied it to here.

A BRAND NEW JAR Full Of Petroleum Jelly!

Note: The photograph is of my own personal jar of petroleum jelly that is opened, only to show you what is offered inside the sealed containers I am selling. Many vendors often disply the contents of their sealed packages done in this listing. Notice mine is almost empty? I had to use a lot of this after my first attempt to bring you this listing and you will need a lot of this product too in the near future! OUCH!!!

Your buying experience online has been improved with new policies. Members are reporting they got bummed by new policies. Obviously a A spoon full of petroleum jelly is not nearly enough so I have revised my listing and now offer full jars! The product I am now offering is Brand NEW, FULL, UNOPENED JARS of Petroleum Jelly. I offer this to the community because it is obvious you will really need lots of Petroleum Jelly to ease the pain you are feeling as an online buyer or a seller. This is not a medical cure nor is it intended for cosmetic purposes but please read on as it will help you bare the pain of your online buying experiences!

Buyers feel they can trust online sellers with 100% feedback ratings when unknowingly, the feedback systems are manipulated by third parties who did not participate in any part of any of the transactions between buyers and sellers. Lowlife, former low rated, sellers appear to be trust worthy today. There are currently sellers online right now with a lifetime achievement of 70% and even lower, who are represented as 100% rated sellers. This happens when the seller is inactive and after 12 months his negative feedback doesn't count any more. If you meet one of these sellers as a buyer you really need this product because you are getting bummed two ways! Ouch! Buy It Now to ease the pain!

Sellers who were just days ago rated 99% now have lower ratings than complete bums, although they have been selling 100 items a week online for 10 years! All they did was let non-paying bidders off the hook and processed a mutual decline an exchanged neutral feedback to make it complete! If you are one of those sellers or a buyer who misses out on that sellers great services due to feedback manipulation and search manipulation you really need this product because you are getting bummed!

If you are a buyer and don't get feedback because a seller is boycotting the feedback changes, you need this products because you are getting bummed!

If you are a seller and your bidders have offered to sell you positive feedback and you can't neg them, you need this product because you are getting bummed!

In all, the only members who may not need this product are the low rated members who's feedback improved. This bummed the whole community so you can really see there is a high demand for this product! If you are one of the sellers who have benifitted from the new policy you might want to buy this product and Neg me for offering it to the community! In that case I can do nothing about it and I will use my own product since I will be getting bummed!

I will provide you with one brand new jar of petrolium jelly with your purchase to sooth the pain of getting bummed! I reply to email promptly in the event you need some sort of customer assistance but hopefull you will already know what to do. I offer free shipping and will pay all fees on the money I spend to ship your petrolium jelly to imporve my ratings. This does increase the price for you overall but no one told you that. Opps you got bummed again. Maybe you should buy two!

With the above in mind it is obvious that some people may have been bummed emore than others. For those requiring large quantities of petrolium jelly at a volume discount, you should contact me for a special listing. I am to please all of my customers!

Some online servces like the idea of sellers leaving feedback for all buyers when payment is made. I think this is a bum policy but I will comply with the trend and wishes of these services and post this positive feedback for you when you make your payment. "They Bought Petrolium Jelly when bummed by Policy! A+A+"

I will ship one brand new jar of petroleum jelly to each buyer within one day unless damands overwhelm me. This product may become back ordered due to overwhelming demands, but I just got off the phone with my suppiers and have been assured that I will be receiving tractor trailer loads as needed to assist my custmers pain! I also have employees that I will bring into the packaging process of this item to meet the demands of the community. Rest assured I will provide product to ease your pain!

Profits generated from the sales of this product will be used to assist in promoting this product, so other members who got bummed and don't even know will be made aware. With any luck the whole world will soon know this community got bummed by changes, through the sales of this petroleum Jelly to help ease that pain.

I offer other interesting crap for good causes in my other listings too, so be sure to check them out. All the crap I offer is of the finest quality money can buy and proceeds help a good cause. The only one who can make a differance is you and this is how you do it! God Bless!


Flat Rate shipping services for mailed payments only with no returns.

Parcel Post & Priority Mail (UPS if applicable) shipping services are listed for PayPal or mailed payments with a 14 day return policy.

All payments are expected within 10 days of online purchase. Items paid through Paypal with improper shipping charges will be refunded and handled as an unauthorized payment option through Ebay until an authoized payment option has been completed as specified in this listing.


Flat rate shipping is offered for mailed payments only with no returns.

Parcel Post & Priority Mail (UPS if applicable) are offered for PayPal or mailed payments with a 14 day return policy.

All items will be shipped with delivery confirmation. Items valued over $250 total including shipping will require a signature. Insurance is always an option you may wish to add. Original packaging must be retained for any shipping claims.

Terms of Sale:

All items listed are sold under the Ebay Trade Assistant Program. As a result I offer two shipping options to simplify the legalities of consignment sales online.
It is required by FL law that I operate under the supervision of a Licensed and Bonded Broker. I also must retain posession of all items offered on consignment until the consignor is paid in full. Due to the Buyer Protection program offered by PayPal it would be illegal for me to accept PayPal as payment for the consignor since the payment could be reversed. Here is why! The reversal would actually place a hold on another consignor's funds where the new Ebay buyer's goods could not be shipped until PayPal decided the first dispute and the funds were again collected on the item disputed so the next consignor could be paid. That is a direct violation of laws governing consignment sales! Paypal should address this issue for consignment sales on Ebay and persue inforcement of the Ebay contracts on consignment item since PayPal automatically voids all Ebay contracts! Furtunately there is still a Non-Paying Bidder Policy and those individuals who have made Paypal illegal by voiding the Ebay contract through Paypal will be booted off Ebay after three strikes by other sellers who sell there own goods. Below I will describe how I offer a return policy or discounted shipping legally and can accept PayPal with the return policy option only.
Flat Rate Shipping: I offer a discounted flat rate shipping to all buyers who purchase the item as-is using mailed payments. This saves the buyer money but this does not mean I cannot offer you any service. I want you to be happy with your purchase! The ebay contract however is a binding contract and it allows me to resolve any buyer issues according to law and moral responsibily as with any reputable business.
Parcel Post, Priority Mail or UPS Shipping: PayPal and mailed payments are accepted. A 14 day money back guarantee is offered! Return shipping is te buyers responsibility and S&H is money spent to ship the goods and is non-refundbable. In order to make the return policy legal I pay the consignor for the item myself, ship it to you and stand behind it! Keep in mind Pawn Shops and Consignment Shops never offer any warranty so this handling charge is a valid and valuable service and you are almost always getting the item for less than you would have paid at the Pawn Shop or Consignment shop even with the shipping & handling.
Note: There is no CC surcharge being applied here. You are paying a higher S&H for the option of making your purchase contract void on ebay where I will personally stand behind an item I would legally have to offer as-is only...